i'm thrilled to read that so many folks are interested in being a part of the bodyPeacebyPiece workfunshop! i'll keep posting details here as Susan and i suss them out.
in the meantime, do any of you guys have questions for us? we're gonna do a little video interview with the 2 of us (that i'll post here) to talk about our histories, why we're doing the class, what we think someone might get out of it, anything really. consider it an an opportunity for folks to get to know fabulous, fun Us.
so... questions? we'll be sure to answer them when we conduct our interview next weekend.also... a thought or 2 on this site:
if you haven't noticed, i'm trying to move into a more positive direction these days. i'm far less interested in focusing on how screwed up our culture is in terms of eating disorders and body image. i've done my fair share of kvetching, and i still reserve the right to occasionally stomp my feet and pout, but there are already so many blogs out there doing that (and doing it much better, i might add). i'm not calling a moratorium on bitching, because we all know how FANTASTIC that can feel sometimes, and to get to the good you sometimes have to crawl eyebrow-deep through the muck, screaming the entire time, but where i am now is:
education is important. awareness is important, but i want to LIVE, and i'm interested in exploring
that journey and sharing it with you. the bumpy journey i've had and continue to have, that we
all have, after we've decided TO LIVE.
WITHOUT LIMITS.how do i do it?
how do you do it?
how do
we do it?
i'm not totally sure what this means in terms of the content of this site and the trajectory of my show, but i'm figuring it out, and ya know what? i'm having FUN.
so going forward, i vow to keep the bitching to a minimum and the living to the maximum.
and more
happy tuesday, gorgeousnesses.